There will be no bemoaning opps later if you concede to this, should-do, task.
From riding marta and taking character notes, to standing behind the old man at the grocery check-out, to involve your imagination in creative play -at that moment-in random study that might later, if not now, prove to be a stimulous to further story building. Anne Lamont's, "Bird By Bird", gives refreshing and compelling reasons to write every day- though after chapter two, I have lost's those first few chapters that have managed to sink in and the rote building exercises that follow simply lack the enthusiasm I, at first, appreciated.
But I keep to the axiom of building story lines behind an image, or series of- as I am a visual thinker- The who, what, when, where and why's of story building are only left up to your imagination. As a photographer, the images I capture almost always have been taken with a view to steal away a moment in time that lends itself to some unwritten story; perhaps to spark the study of what (or how) I would like to shape some idea. In a perfect world, this flint, if formed purposely, sparks a brain file. Impetuously I yearn to write. To feel the satisfaction of a runner's high on page with endorphins pushing me along. Unfettered.
So this is my forced blog of the day. A mental note to think, to study all of human nature- good and bad, to blend what I know and have seen, and perhaps, to make a difference in the next story that forms if not to at least provide the reader with some insight- shaped exactly so because I had the forsight- to write it down.